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Planning Board Minutes 01/08/07
                                                   January 8, 2007
                                                         4:30 pm

Present: Chairman Rich Osnoss, Billy Meegan, Tim Lasker, Mitch Posin, Janet Weidner,
              John Flender, Rusty Walton and Lisa Specht, Administrative Assistant.

Chairman Rich Osnoss opened the meeting at 4:30 pm.

The Minutes of December 11, 2006 were approved as amended.

1.  Billy Meegan clarified the budget question the Planning Board had about the Legal
     Expenses that appeared on 2007 budget worksheet. The 2007 Budget showed an
    expenditure of  $9,500.00.  Billy spoke with Tom Wilson, the Town Accountant, who
     said that the Board of Selectmen appropriated $7,000.00 for the Homeport project.  
     The Planning Board actually only spent $2,500.00 of the $9,500.00.  Based on this
     information, the Planning Board would like to revise the 2007 Budget worksheet that
     was submitted to the Town Accountant.  Lisa Specht will ask Tom for the worksheet
2.  The Planning Board would like to appear before the Finance Committee on
    January 24, 2007 to defend their budget.

3. Subdivision Regulations

    The Rules and Regulations for subdivisions, paragraph 1.03, were discussed at length
    The Board thought that the statement at the beginning of the Zoning Bylaws, The      
     Purpose of the Zoning Bylaw “should be used to condition additional houses on large
     The Board thought that the rules and regulations should provide for the future of the

     The Board members agreed to continue discussion on the Rules and Regulations.

4. Chilmark Master Plan
     The Planning Board would like to take a proactive approach to land planning in the
     Town of placeCityChilmark.
    Janet Weidner asked that the Master Plan clarify what is important in the town in
     regard to land, what should be preserved, where should development occur or not
     occur. She would like to focus on property assets of the town.  She will make up a list
     for the next meeting.
    Member of the Planning Board raised many questions; should the Town have special
     zoning for Menemsha or Peaked Hill; would the town like to see more development or
     less development, should the Town Boards limit the size of a proposed structure or
    impose energy conservation measures.   
     There was a question of whether or not to revise the roadside district plan.

5. Other Business:
    Jane Slater, Chairperson of the Chilmark Historical Society, sent a letter to the
     Planning Board in regard to the Massachusetts Historical Commissions inquiry of
     The Middle Line Road Community Housing Program and their concern of the
     possibility of archeological sites on the property.  The Planning Board was informed
     that this survey was recommended but not required and that the issue was no longer a

   Rich Osnoss discussed a document he received from the Open Space Recreation
    Planning Group.  

    Middle addressStreetLine Road Community Housing Program - The Planning Board had some
    concerns about the nitrogen loading issue that the MVC has addressed. The Board
   would like to see a proactive approach in regard to the septic system and composting
    toilets.  Tim Lasker suggested that there be a cost comparison of different systems

   The Bylaw for rental housing states that the number of rental units cannot exceed two
    per three acres.

   There was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Lisa Specht, Administrative Assistant